Galina Bokashevskaya

Galina Bokashevskaya

03 Nov 1966 (57 years old) in Leningrad, RSFSR, USSR

Known For


  • 2022 · Delayed Happiness Syndrome as
  • 2022 · Crime Solving For Beginners as
  • 2022 · My Horrible Sister as
  • 2017 · Лучик as Mary's Mother
  • 2017 · Abandoned as
  • 2017 · Погоня за шедевром as The headmaster of the school
  • 2016 · After You're Gone as
  • 2013 · Thirst as Kostya's Mother
  • 2010 · Word to a Woman as Людмила Логинова
  • 2008 · Cheesecake as
  • 2007 · Couture Dress as
  • 2007 · Кружовник as
  • 2007 · Shawls as
  • 2006 · Your Will Not Leave Me as
  • 2005 · The Two of Us as
  • 2005 · Red Sky, Black Snow as Vakhtyorov's wife
  • 2005 · Потерявшие солнце as
  • 2004 · Black Ball as
  • 2003 · Chelyabumbiya as
  • 2003 · Kamikaze Diary as
  • 2002 · March of the Slav as
  • 2001 · The Heart of the Bear as Katherine
  • 2000 · My darling asterisk as
  • 2000 · Secrecy of the investigation as Ekaterina Vasilievna (housekeeper)
  • 1998 · Wedding Kisses as библиотекарь
  • 1998 · Тоталитарный роман as
  • 1987 · Dark Eyes as
  • 1986 · Jack Vosmyorkin, American as Maruska Khvorostyanova - kommunarka
  • 1986 · Exceptions Without Rules as rabotnitsa fabriki igrushek (Isklyuchenie 1: «Ekskursant»)
  • 2024 · Лиризмы as